Episode 19

The Fusion of Mystic and Geek - Kaylene McCaw

Unplug from the world and plug-in!  

Join Jackie and Kaylene McCaw, author of The Human Experience Quick-Start Guide, as they explore life inside the “Blue Planet Matrix” and how to access “Guidance On Demand” and “Universal Tech Support” so that you don’t get lost in the game we call life.

This “fusion” conversation will unpack the insights hidden in the “Quick-Start Guide” and reveal why now is the time for a universal “RESET”. Get out your notebook and focus on the beauty of this conversation.

[02:24] Spirituality hits humanity

[04:34] The Human Experience

[05:31] We’re here to what?!

[05:58] Universal tech support

[07:58] Failure of the old-world operating system

[08:55] Where your attention flows . . . do you get it?

[12:35] Justifications for making the simplest possible mistakes

[12:57] Coding errors in the matrix?

[13:32] Choosing the one thing that changes everything

[14:00] Pie?

[14:47] The Golden Ratio

[17:08] Brainwashing and focus

[17:18] The power of choosing your focus

[18:45] Yes, it is your fault. What now?

[20:10] Toxic narcissism

[21:58] Alexander the Great & the Gordian Knot

[23:06] Loosening the hold of “Not”

[23:27] The power of changing the question

[26:40] A paradox

[28:20] The ultimate statement of “Yes”

[29:27] Flow: the only way?

[29:56] I am because goodness is

[30:25] Leave them alone and they’ll come home

[31:00] The simplest answer

[31:39] The superpower of Yin


Kaylene’s Book: The Human Experience Quick-Start Guide

A dramatic reading of Human experience: HowMindsetReallyWorks.com

Kaylene’s website: KayleneMcCaw.com

Other links mentioned:

Book: Make It A Great Day: The Choice is Yours


About Jackie:

Jackie Simmons writes and speaks on the leading-edge thinking around mindset, money, and the neuroscience that drives success.

Jackie believes it’s our ability to remain calm and focused in the face of change and chaos that sets us apart as leaders. Today, we’re dealing with more change and chaos than any other generation.

It’s taking a toll and Jackie’s not willing for us to pay it any longer.

Jackie uses the lessons learned from her own and her clients’ success stories to create programs that help you build the twin muscles of emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so that your positivity shines like a beacon, reminding the world that it’s safe to stay optimistic.

TEDx Speaker, Multiple International Best-selling Author, Mother to Three Girls, Grandmother to Four Boys, and Partner to the Bravest, Most Loyal Man in the World.




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YBOP Intro/Outro:

Welcome back to Your Brain On Positive. All the love and support you need is residing inside of you. And we're going to make it easier to turn it off.

Jackie Simmons:

We're glad you're here, welcome to your Brain on positive and get ready to have a positively amazing journey with my friend Kaylene McCaw . There's something magical that happens when you realize or in my case, when I realized that what I teach in an hour or sometimes a weekend, cabling managed to put into a book that takes less than 10 minutes to read.

Jackie Simmons:

So I want to know the story behind that. Kaylene, I want to know, I mean, I know because you give credit to the Hermitage. And we'll talk about what that experience was like. But what led you to that? When did you figure this out? Right.

Kaylene McCaw:

I have been chewing on these issues, I think really my whole life, you know, trying to figure things out in the way that I'm designed on the inside. I'm this odd fusion of mystic and geek. So I might make perfect logical scientific sense, but be as woowoo as humanly possible, because that's where science ends up leaving, you go all the way down that road. And I think the ultimate motivation for writing the book, I had a pretty dramatic falling out with the church. So fell very hard and deep in and then fell very hard and deep out. And when I finally realized that not being able to see the G word without throwing up in my mouth was a waste of perfectly good resources. I set about to re language it so that I can I could take the good parts of that experience, and make them available, especially to other people who have because there's a lot of us who have that kind of trauma. Everything that's supposed to be the best and the most wonderful and supportive is kind of scary and dangerous, even like saying love is you know, get all your rejecting hackles up for a lot of folks,

Jackie Simmons:

aka I think you've hit upon something really key. So I'm just going to highlight it, which is the fact that when we start on a spiritual journey, and we go on this road, all of a sudden spirituality hits humanity. And we have to kind of reconcile the fact that what is perfect, and we know it's perfect, and we know that we're all one still we live in this third dimensional reality where if you can keep your one over there, please. Yeah, right.

Kaylene McCaw:

Yeah, it is a heck of an exciting time to be here on the planet. And really, honestly, I have to give credit, it's in the dedication, one of the real motivations is I had twin daughters, were born on my birthday. So we've got a lot in common. But maybe that's the problem, right? Because you had these three highly sensitive, empathic females living in a house together. And was like, I don't know whose feelings these are, but they're really bad. And we fundamentally, just don't speak the same language. So we came to this place where they look at me, it's like, Mom, you know, I do my best to love you. And I know you're saying something, but I have no blessing idea what it is. So I realized I had to find a universal language, a way of being absolutely simple, absolutely clear, flying in under all the, you know, landmines and drones that watch out for scary religious and political stuff. And it was really important to me to give just the right amount of information to make you figure it out, instead of just saying, here it is, dummy. Yeah. Okay,

Jackie Simmons:

so I'm from the here it is dummy kind of school. You know, I mean, people come to my classes because I figured out a lot of things for them. And that fine line between empowering and enabling. I have been on both sides of that multiple, multiple times. And I do love that about what you've created. So I'm going to take us back a step because we haven't talked about what you've created yet. Yeah, the little book and I throw a little book. Okay, human experience. It's a quickstart guide. It's not on Amazon. The only reason I found it is because I showed up at a presentation that you gave, which was a very dramatics one woman show, and then you had these books and you had this artwork and I was fascinated by the book. And then I bought 30 of you signed all of them. I gave them out to everybody who was coming to my classes and coming to my workshops. And then my world went sideways for about seven years. So that was like, probably that long ago. Yeah. And then a few weeks ago, your book jumped out of a basket and into my hand is about the only thing I can think of, perhaps what you said a minute ago. Now is an exciting time now, I was certainly in a much better place to not just enjoy the book, but to go, what can I do with this? Right? So we're going to talk about some of the things that we're going to be doing with this book. But let's take people through the key concepts of the book, because it starts out with, let me get your attention. You're here to play? What made you choose this galaxy playground kind of amusement park of the third planet, that blue planet? What made you choose that analogy? Well, I

Kaylene McCaw:

I got attached to the idea of universal tech support. And that was actually in the I actually won the Ringling towers award and add my stay at the Hermitage where I wrote the book for the script of one of those solo plays, like you came to see. And that's where I came up with the concept of universal tech support guidance on demand critical updates to the operating system. Because I wanted it to be in a language people understand that was specifically not religious but accomplish the same task. That was really important to me, because I knew I would have shut down anybody who tried to tell me about God, unless it was disguised as something else.

Jackie Simmons:

Yeah, good. Yeah. My whatever. Sister who says it's, it's, it's God, it's good orderly direction. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. So there you go. Alright. So I love that critical updates to the operating system. Yeah, yeah, that's not in this book. So hopefully, that'll be in.

Kaylene McCaw:

That's actually kind of the heart of the sequel, which I'm very excited about right in the middle of this one introduces the whole idea of we made lemons out of lemonade when a terrible glitch entered into the operating system here, which, what five years ago now I called the not virus, that they aged well, that we decided to make the best of it. Because we found people were coming to the human experience to have the novel, I opportunity to forget all the stuff that we instinctively know. And to be in kind of this, well, I call it an escape planet, like an escape room, because they were just becoming popular at the time I wrote the book, that you have to figure out how to return to the fundamental knowledge that really is hardwired. And then the sequel is the human experience reset Guide, which when I started writing it at the beginning of the lockdown, I would not have been able to save what I said today is due to the spectacular failure of the old world operating system, we have a unique opportunity to make some long awaited updates.

Jackie Simmons:

I love that we have a unique opportunity to make some long awaited updates. Yeah, you know, here's what caught me. Earlier today, I was answering some messages, something I get around to kind of randomly and whether it's social media or email, I'm pretty random in my interaction. And one message popped up and it said you were putting together this summit, I thought you might want to be a part of it. It's 55 women all standing against abuse of any kind. And I went no, right, exactly. Mother Teresa said she will never attend an anti war rally. If you have a peace rally, please invite her. And when I heard that, quote, I kind of got I didn't connect the dots. What you have in the book is this idea of go where your attention goes. Right? Yeah, that's where things flow once you

Kaylene McCaw:

it's so hard to figure out because you can have the best intentions in the world. And it's usually people who do who make the biggest mistakes. But when you're fighting against evil, you activate the entire matrix of manifestation to bring you more evil because you said I want to stop that. And you can't stop it unless you first are the one who's responsible for creating. I have the same experience. I have neighbors who have pounded in a side that says the united against hate and it's like, oh, that cannot end well.

Jackie Simmons:

It really doesn't. And people don't get it. And I didn't get it until and that's my journey that you may not even know about. I mean, I went into the whole world of teen suicide prevention and realize that every suicide prevention program I could find was focused on the at risk. It was focused on stopping suicide it was focused on intervention And there wasn't anybody talking about what would prevent suicidal thinking from getting stuck inside a kid's head, which is my definition of prevention. And so I've been in this soup for a couple of years. And what's gotten me so excited about having your book come back into my world? Is it just like, oh, let's take all the language around emotional intelligence and emotional resilience and social emotional learning, throw that out the window for the most part and bring in this idea of what you focus on, you're going to find, and here's how to refocus. So the idea that, hey, you can choose to focus on what's coming, what you want to have come. So I've created lots of little things around that, and you created something just absolutely beautiful with it.

Kaylene McCaw:

Thank you. That was my goal, really, I call it a children's book for adults. You know, because that's what it takes to make the grown ups really absorb it. But my dream has always been that then people will put it in the hands of the smallest children who can figure it out. And I have had the opportunity. Some parents have given it to their kids, a woman who comes to me for brings her kids to me for sound healing. And the girl came back after she'd been gone for a year and said, Miss Kaylene, I need a new book, because my old ones broken. And she carried it with her everywhere and read it every day. And she's just a magical child. And when you give kids the tools that they need, instead of having to figure it out later, when everything goes wrong, they can just live the most amazing lives. Wouldn't

Jackie Simmons:

it be interesting to wave a magic wand? And go What if, and there been a lot of books about how to wake up the world there lucid living, there's, you know, asking it is given. There have been a lot of writers, whether they were obviously in human honing their words, or they were channeling and you know, giving credit where someone else was owning their words, or something else was owning the words, it didn't really matter, the message has been the same. Why aren't we getting it on a bigger scale? Right? Honestly,

Kaylene McCaw:

I put that down to the complexity of the way the message has come through. Because I'm No, I'm saying the same thing that has been said before. I know that there's there's one elephant in the room, you know, and we all feel our little our little part of it. Yeah, I see that on your on your chain there. And that's another reason I make it so simple, is because the twisted up part inside of us wants a really complicated solution to a really complicated problem. Because somehow that justifies all the suffering, and makes it reasonable that i The Great, wonderful, I got it wrong. Whereas the way that it looks, to me is ultimately it's a coding error. You know, where we're trying to speak French to an English only form, it's like it doesn't get it. Or it's just it is the simplest possible mistake. That's another one of the things that just kind of hardwired into me is this, understanding that the most powerful thing you can do is change one thing, and just choose very, very carefully what one thing you change, because you always have the power to change one thing. And if you choose, right, you can change the one thing that changes everything. And turning around that fighting against evil perspective into trusting that the flow is a flow of beauty thing that takes care of it all. You know, then love that

Jackie Simmons:

put your mind on what is beautiful focus on beauty. And now you talk in the book and I'm just gonna out myself, you talk about the golden ratio, you talk about pie, you know that one?

Kaylene McCaw:

It's fine. Because pie is a circle, and phi is a spiral. So they're related, but they're fundamentally different. And that's something I should have done differently in the book. I said sounds like pie. I should have said rhymes with pie.

Jackie Simmons:

Ah, there we go. Okay, so sounds like pie is art. So it's not pie, that mathematical thing I was thinking of? It's fine.

Kaylene McCaw:

Fine, as opposed to fee. So

Jackie Simmons:

yeah, fine. And it's like a spiral. Okay, so I've seen people talk about lately, they talked about fractals. Where is that? What you're talking about that it's similar to them? No. All right.

Kaylene McCaw:

They're ultimately related. Okay, so the golden ratio is when you decide to speak the language of math. It's what you discover underlies all of the beauty in the structure of the universe. Far By the golden ratio Fibonacci sequence is essentially the same thing.

Jackie Simmons:

Ah, okay, I've heard of it, needless to say.

Kaylene McCaw:

So you take a thing, and then you add to it just a tiny bit more than half again as much. And then you take that one and a half as the new thing. And you add again, just a little bit more than half as much. And by the end, you keep on doing that, and by the power of this algorithm, it turns into that beautiful unfolding spiral of grace that we see all around us in nature. So just letting that formula happen. Doesn't matter where you start, it will turn to Billy period, because that's where beauty comes from.

Jackie Simmons:

So beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. In this case, beauty is in the mathematical unfolding, of allowing for things to increase.

Kaylene McCaw:

Right, and you only see it when you look for.

Jackie Simmons:

Well, that's true about anything. You know, what I focus on I find, if I'm not looking for it, I can't find it. And anyone who's ever sent a kid or a man to the pantry, okay, they've already made up their mind that they can't find it. And so they're not going to find it. Yeah, that happens a lot in my household, just say. So the reality here is that we were given freewill. We were endowed with the ability to create, and somewhere between birth and school, we got a virus in our operating system that starts with the word not and the word no, right?

Kaylene McCaw:

I honestly, I believe that. It's ancestral. It's inherited with our DNA. That's why in the book, I say your, your avatar comes pre loaded with your mother's story of the world software. Because we that's why it's so pernicious, because we don't even know it's there, we think it's just what it is, we can't see ourselves clearly enough to see that we're facing against the flow. We don't know that we don't believe in goodness, because we've been so completely brainwashed to focus on badness and making it stop.

Jackie Simmons:

That's a really good point. When we got offered a book title to use for the teen suicide prevention society, the book title is make it a great day, the choice is yours. And we adopted that with both arms, because it speaks exactly to what we realized was missing from this whole conversation around suicide is that it's we make choices. We just don't know that we have any other choice. Yeah. And so anything that wakes up the world to this power, that we can choose what we put our attention on. And it's a choice sometimes that we make our that I have to just go choose what distracted choose Yes. And it could be 100 times a day just but it's, it's still a choice. And in practice,

Kaylene McCaw:

every moment is a choice. Yeah. And you can make it a choice that draws you into the knot, or a choice that sets you free. I think another along the line of why the solution needs to be so simple is that to get to our power, we have to pass through our shame. And before you can really own the fact that I get to control all of this, you have to face the fact that oh my gosh, I'm the one who made this the way it is, even if I inherited it, even if I can blame it on my ancestors and that old devil or whoever you want to blame for weigh on back. It's mine. And because I have the power, I have to say, Oh, my bad. I married a crappy man because I didn't believe there was any other kind that's on me. I wouldn't have let him be a good man if he tried because that's the story. I was telling how much I hate when it's my fault. But because it is my fault.

Jackie Simmons:

I get to cheat. That's what I love about what you're on. It's what some of the greatest songwriters of all time have tried to get across. Jimmy Buffett almost snuck in, but has everybody yo at the end of the day he owned it? Yeah. And what I realized about accountability programs is that they're almost universally broken and backwards, because they make accountability be something that's from the outside in like you have an accountability partner, you know, to hold you accountable as opposed to owning it, letting it be ownership. Yeah, you exactly what would happen if everybody just took ownership? I think if everybody just took ownership over their emotions, the world would change. Right?

Kaylene McCaw:

Right. That's why I take issue with you know, the popularity of talking about toxic narcissism. It's like you realize, if you're an empath, you're a narcissist, right?

Jackie Simmons:

I teach the scale of you. Okay, so here we go. What people called narcissists are what I call overt bullies. You can see it, their action, show it. And then there's the other end of the spectrum, which can often look like somebody who's a people pleaser at the extreme a doormat. And the reality is, we're just the opposite side of that coin. We're covert bullies. You can't tell? Yeah, it seemed to make it work. Yeah, the self esteem prophecy pointed out with you is like, you're going to have somebody who's an interrogator partner with somebody who's aloof. And you're going to have somebody who's an somebody who's forgotten the right word now, but more aggressive and Intimidator partner with somebody who's in the victim mode. And we're just designed to energetically balanced. What if we could start pulling each other towards the middle? I think it has to start with acceptance and non judgement. Right? Right.

Kaylene McCaw:

Although even there, see the non virus is stuck. In the words it

Jackie Simmons:

is acceptance and positive judgment. How's that?

Kaylene McCaw:

That works? I honestly that's what I really tried to get down into in the restart guide, giving people that next step for how because it really is something I've been wanting to do for a long time is give people the tools to loosen the Gordian knot. Because Alexandria came along, and he had a solution. And it might have been fine for the time, but it sure is not right for today, because he cheated.

Jackie Simmons:

Okay, so So can we bet Alexander solution? Because I'm going which Alexander you're talking about to

Kaylene McCaw:

Alexander the Great. Okay. Well, the back story, let's see, the Gordian knot is named after a place gordita I guess. And they had had a prophecy that the ruler is going to come in writing on an ox cart, you know, come in humble, right? So he came in, and he became the king. And he set up this puzzle, which is, you know, the knot of Gordy of the Gordian knot, that you just couldn't figure out where the ends are, or how to get it apart. And said, Whoever can loosen this knot will be the ruler of the whole region, that that, that that that? So Alexander came along, and you know, he had a sword. So he figured that was the answer to everything he said, he had never had you lose it. And he chopped that sucker in pieces. Everybody said, Oh, you're so powerful. You're so smart. And he dominated the area for a while. And you know, that was, call it the patriarchy, call it what you want. That was an era in history. But now, as everything circles back again, in and this is where we get to the fractal form of reality, we see the same thing circus is circuiting again, because that's part of the way world is structured. We're faced with the puzzle again, okay, this time, if we don't cheat, how do we actually loosen the knot and OT not? And it was one of those things I keep repeating to myself because I was so happy when it came into my ears. Is that is you what you change the question you're asking? We'll talk more about this another time you change the question from why does this feel so bad? Which sends you on an exploration of everything that's wrong? To where am I? And the answer is, I'm faced backward fighting the entire flow of the universe. No wonder it feels bad. But the thing is, even when you're fighting against the flow, you're still in sign


the flow. Bam. Yeah,

Kaylene McCaw:

just to sit there and chew on it moment.

Jackie Simmons:

I love that you change the question. I believe that changing the question is the most powerful thing we can do for our brains. Because we've got the ultimate search engine, whether you believe in intuition or just intelligence. Either way, we've got the great AI inside our heads. If we ask a good question, we get a good answers good meeting useful.

Kaylene McCaw:

Exactly. And the right answer to the wrong question is still the wrong answer.

Jackie Simmons:

Now, that was the question is the wrong answer to the right question. Still the wrong answer, or does it become the right that

Kaylene McCaw:

the right question forces you to give the right answer.

Jackie Simmons:

That's sort of what I was thinking. It's a fun conversation, when I realized the power of asking the right question and shifting the focus so we Got a couple of beautiful opportunities for everyone to engage with the book. One, I came up with an idea. I don't know if it's a great idea, but I came up with an idea. My idea was that what your book really does is explain the concept of the ages, what we used to call attitude. Now they call mindset, right? So I've created how mindset really works. And it's a.com. And it's where people can go and they can see your book, they can the dramatic reading that you let me do of it, because I was just having so much fun with it. So they'll be able to actually order their own copies there and sell since yeah, like I said, this one's not up on Amazon, the, which is where everybody goes for everything. That's sort of the not quite true, but just a lot of people

Kaylene McCaw:

read about the same price as the book, I just didn't feel right about giving it to Amazon,

Jackie Simmons:

I hear you, I hear you, I hear you. So the power of this is that now they can engage with you. That's easy to find. And I thought that that was really a good description of what the book actually does, it explains mindset. And for anyone who's in a coaching role, or in a healing role, trying to help our patients and our clients understand that what's going on in their mind is what is setting into motion everything in their life, right? That's my definition of mindset. You know, what's going on in your mind is what sets your life in motion. What your book does is give people a place to go to shift. Now.

Kaylene McCaw:

It's paradoxical, because by accepting the responsibility, you get out of the shame. Yeah, it was just a problem with the way the thing is, it's just it's a computer error. It's not a big deal. You just fix it.

Jackie Simmons:

Yeah. I love it. I love it. Once you decide that you can choose that you that, that everything in your life is in your life, because of an action, you took a decision, you made a choice. And so if you've got things in your life that you're not happy about just okay, except that you made you got those by choice. Now, just what choice did I make? What can I do instead? Yeah, then it becomes because I was also a math major, then it becomes a simple mathematical, if you what was the operation that got me here? What change can I make to get me that where I want to be?

Kaylene McCaw:

Yeah, exactly. Right. Sometimes I talk about translating from the language of the non virus to the proper coding language, which is yes. And as a do the math, you know, because all the knots cancel each other out. And you end up with a statement of what is actually positive.

Jackie Simmons:

What was his statement of what is actually positive and possible for the world look like today.

Kaylene McCaw:

I've been chewing on that one for a long time. So let's start with the not form of it. And this is you know what you're actually saying even though you don't say all the words to yourself, I do not like how it feels when I am not feeling good. You just fight against that all the time. Okay, so you can see that all the knots. I feel good. If you choose for a place when you feel good, but I've refined that down to like the ultimate statement of Yes. Is I am

Jackie Simmons:

home. Oh, I am home. Exactly.

Kaylene McCaw:

How do I know I'm home because of the way it feels? You know, because even even the advice which is not bad advice to start with the feeling is really confusing when you're feeling bad. It's like I don't know how to translate that to you. It's like, okay,

Jackie Simmons:

I love I love how the knots snuck in, in what you've just said, Oh, yeah. What if? What if the whole point in this conversation is to say, Okay, everybody take a deep breath. What are you feeling? And then the question is, what's one thing I can think that will help me feel better? Right? And if we just started with something that's simple, the

Kaylene McCaw:

simpler the better, simpler, the better. And honestly, even more simple, especially if you know you've got trauma that makes home a scary word like love and all the other broken, wonderful words. I am here within the flow. The flow is the safe way to say the G word. The flow is the golden ratio. The flow is this thing beyond our comprehension, that if it wasn't still flowing, we wouldn't be here. So the fact that I'm here feeling crappy is evidence that the goodness is surrounding me. And if I just remember that I am because goodness is then it'll sort itself out.

Jackie Simmons:

I am because goodness is and it will sort itself out Yeah, this is the biggest glitch in the program. Yeah, okay, when I'm thinking about your, your analogy for the program of the world, this wonderful escape planet that we're on this evade amusement where we come to get lost in the game, and we do

Jackie Simmons:

this idea of

Jackie Simmons:

Oh, my goodness, and nursery rhyme just popped into my head, it's like Little Bo P, leave them alone, and they'll come home, you know,

Kaylene McCaw:

because they know you're gonna feed them, they'll come

Jackie Simmons:

the Wizard of Oz, if I ever go looking for my heart's desire, and it's not my own backyard, I didn't lose it anyway.


You empower Dorothy, just click your heels together three times. There we go.

Jackie Simmons:

Yeah. And it was so simple that Dorothy would not have believed it at the beginning of the story, which is exactly what we're talking about. The simplest answer that shifts the mood, the attitude, and then the actions. Yeah, is the one to start with.

Kaylene McCaw:

Exactly. And at this time in history, another way that I like to talk to people about it is it's the shift from young to Yin, not a judgment against young. I mean, we have young poisoning in our world, because we've been taught that the only real power is young power, when you make bad things not happen to her. And like I'm allowing badness, because badness is its control, and you want that and it's to win. But Yen is so lacking in our world that it's a superpower, he just put in this little drop of allowing goodness, which implies the belief in goodness, which releases the power of goodness, and you realize that wow, I am inside of goodness. And I get to watch as it takes care of itself.

Jackie Simmons:

Belief in goodness, is I think, what absolutely is missing? Yes, we have forgotten how to believe in goodness, on a huge scale. Now, that's not everybody. You know, I mean, there is certainly goodness in the world. There's goodness in your book, there's goodness in our partner in the slums in Nairobi, Kenya, who's saving lives every day feeding kids and actually going to school, you know, there are there is good NIS in the world. And yet, we are bombarded with the messages of what's not that, that it's hard for our brains to even believe that there is goodness in the world,

Kaylene McCaw:

and our relationship with the old story of the ultimate good, the benevolent father, God has been broken.

Jackie Simmons:

Well, and that could goodness outside of us, as opposed to we are. And even though and I was, I came from a biblical family, I was a Bible scholar for a little while, you know, we are designed in the image of God. So we said, Our God is good. Well, that means that we by definition, are too but that's not the message that came down through my childhood.

Kaylene McCaw:

Right? Christianity was weaponized by the Romans. I mean, they gave us a knotted up version of it.

Jackie Simmons:

I think most religions go through some contortions of that, where it gets knotted up there again, that's why somebody should Buddhism is not a religion, because it doesn't have that kind of knot in it. However, it has its own paradoxical challenges to it having having spent a little time in that world. What if Shakespeare had it right? Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so what I love about what you're bringing into the world is that it gives people a chance to think differently about what this game we call life is really all about. Your book has inspired a huge shift in the way that we're approaching the work of the teen suicide prevention society and even in the way that I'm teaching my coaches in conscious transformational coaching. Just within the last two weeks, that's it jumped back into my hand. And that's why I was so grateful that you were willing to make the time and then you shared with me the fact that you've got the sequel in the works and now I'm like, Oh, good.


You get a win, win, win, win, win.

Jackie Simmons:

No pressure, but now it would be good. Very soon. Okay, so I know you're going to be part of the next make it a great day book. And, you know, my big thought It was okay. Let me just take your first book and put it inside that make it a great day book. And then people can find it on Amazon if they can't find it on your thing. But we're gonna have so much fun with this because you get to create whatever you want for the book. So you will have fun with this, and it'll be out soon.

Jackie Simmons:

In the meantime,

Jackie Simmons:

what's the message that we're not getting, just to bring the knot back into the conversation,

Kaylene McCaw:

the flow of goodness wants to happen. And the second, we stop trying to control it, and we will be overwhelmed with beauty. There is nothing more powerful than the flow of grace. It will win. And it will take you where it's going down the stream. It can take you fighting and kicking and screaming, and you can get as bruised as you feel like you have to to feel like you had an adventure. Or you can go light and bouncy like a bubble. But you're going, everybody's going in the fullness of time, and in the flow of beauty. Because truly, nothing else is real. All of our pain, every single stitch of our pain and blame and shame and all this stuff is just an expression of stuck flow. But even even though it's stuck flow, it's still flow. There is nothing else.

Jackie Simmons:

Well, you know, that was my first aha, when somebody said, Wait a minute, God created, you know, first it was God. And it doesn't say that with God, and this whole bunch of building material. It said they just got and so everything that we're experiencing had to have come from that. And you're whether you call it God or energy or whatever, because there isn't anything else in existence.

Kaylene McCaw:

Exactly. That's all there is, there is only the mind of God. So if I'm here, I'm gone thinking about stuff.

Jackie Simmons:

Yeah, it granted, we are encapsulated in a human suit. So we have limited perception, you know, and some of us have more limited perceptions than others. And mine was incredibly narrow and boxed in, especially through my years of marriage and divorce, and marriage and divorce. And those stories that I lived when it comes to living a new story. That's the journey that I want us to help everyone stay on Caitlin. I found and there's a whole bunch of people using this now this phrase, your story or your life. Because your story is the life you're living, you're not living anything except the story that you know. I call it the story you wrote in on. Right? Yeah, you and you can continue to ride that story and have that be your entire life story.

Jackie Simmons:

Or you can

Jackie Simmons:

choose a different twist. You can choose to experience it a different way. What if you could choose even just for five minutes to be in the flow? What difference would that make? Well, for me, it's like, I could just relax for five minutes not feeling like I had to control everything. I don't have to take care of everybody else. I don't have to. The world's not dependent on me. Somebody else is going to crank for a while. Yeah. What a concept to actually be able to just flow. Yeah, that's That's the paradox,

Kaylene McCaw:

you know, with the whole shame, responsibility, guilt, power thing is that we have all power and no power at the same time. Because the it's the flow flowing, and we're part of it. But we're not responsible for making it good. It already is good. We just stopped meddling. You know, it's like sometimes you drive better when you're not thinking up here. You just let the autopilot do it. Because your body knows how to drive

Jackie Simmons:

muscle memory. You know, muscle memory can help. What if we could program our muscles to stay in the positive thing? That's what meditation does. For some people, it programs, their muscles to relax. It's what some of the other studies do. There's all of these different pathways to help people get back in the flow. And if you're like me, and meditation is not for you, because it's too whatever doesn't quiet the brain at all. Yeah. i Oh, by the way, I have an answer for why that was said. just struggle for me and why it still is. Which is really fun. A lay preacher stood up one Sunday and said, prayer is asking God a question. What if meditation is listening for the answer? Here you go. And I went, well, that's why I don't meditate, because I did not want to hear the answer to my question about what I was praying about, because at a gut level, we already know. Yeah, or at least I did. So we tried to avoid by a lot of different ways, some muscle movement works better for me, tai chi, and now I'm into bungee flying. So that's kind of

Kaylene McCaw:

cool. Yeah, nice. Whatever

Jackie Simmons:

works to get people into the flow, what's your favorite way to get back in the flow?

Kaylene McCaw:

Swell, that's why I do the sound healing, which we haven't really frequency. Because it completely bypasses your logical mind, goes right to the control panel and changes the setting to flow. Oh, I

Jackie Simmons:

liked that. I liked that. I love things that bypass the critical thinking brain, I'm actually collecting them all of these resources. So sound healing is something that I'm a little bit familiar with. What got you into sound healing? How did you find that modality?

Jackie Simmons:

Or how did it find you? Right?

Kaylene McCaw:

It was one of those moments where it's like, the sky opens up and the big hand say, Here's your next step, honey, I can tell you didn't know. And I follow astrology. So I knew one of those moments was coming up. So I was ready to say yes to it. But somebody who was a guest in my Airbnb, made arrangements to pay more than I usually get for his own reasons. So I had this chunk of cash. And while we were chatting, he introduced the idea of the tuning forks to me. And you know, the tinder was dry and ready for the spark. And that was a spark, my brain exploded, I started searching the internet. I fused together the several different modalities got my forks, and I knew it was not a time to play around. Because I had the money I had, you know, I had everything I needed to just say, Yes, jump the heck in. And then in hindsight, I realized I've been playing with frequency for a long time. I always used to sing to the cows, when I was a little girl growing up on a dairy farm. And when I was doing my church thing, I did the prophetic worship flags, which is kind of the silent form of the same thing. You know, you're stirring up the atmosphere into a state of coherence and flow, which is what we do with sound frequency and sound healing. So the power of the subtle to reshape the physical is, well, that's the ultimate in solution. You know, you start out here where it's like neezy, and it'll take care of it. But focus on what's light and easy. Instead of the stuff you know, you can't move. Start with what you know, you can move, which is you know, whether I'm saying Oh, hell or Oh, wow, in this moment, and just let it percolate through.

Jackie Simmons:

Well, there we go. Focus and start with what's light and easy, and the heavy stuff will take care of itself. Yes. I don't think it's gonna get much better than that today. So I think we got this. So everyone, hey, check it out. There are links in the chat. There's links to all of Caitlin stuff, her website and everything. There's links to the how mindset really works. And have fun with this. Enjoy the adventure. And we will have you back.

Kaylene McCaw:

Thank you so much.